woman on beach at sunset with arms outstretched

I’m not successful unless you are successful

So often and so easily we make “our message” and “our gift” about us. But it’s not about us. It’s not about our fear of success or our fear of someone stealing our idea, or being more successful than us. It’s not about how much money we make, if we look “stupid” or if there is “enough.” If I come from a place of scarcity, then that shows up in all that I do, even in how I see you. When I come from a place of “I am enough and there is enough,” then that is what is reflected around me and that is what I see in you. This is not something you can hide; it is an energy felt by all. How we often fall into this trap is by worrying about different people, relationships, and the dynamics around us. We resist seeing how our own fears and lack of “not enough” are being reflected back to us. We make it about us, by making it about them.

How To Combat Making It About Us

When we focus on being in service, on “enough-ness” and on asking “how can I be of service today?”- we find true peace and contentment. I have struggled with this EVERY day while creating my business. It is a daily, sometimes moment to moment choice to say, this is not about me, how can I serve you?

How do you lose focus? How do you come from a place of service?

If your fear and feelings of “not enough” are causing you anxiety, contact us to see how anxiety treatment can help you find peace.


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