Stay In Your Lane

It seems like everywhere you turn there is another “coach” on the market, someone telling you how to better your life, fix-this or change-that. I believe wholeheartedly in the movement of self-development and continued growth. Where the lines get blurred is when we start to veer outside of our lane.

What do I mean? When you are driving, you keep your car in your lane, if you don’t you can cause an accident and people can get hurt. The trouble is, it may take awhile before that accident happens, and here you are recklessly driving thinking you are the most amazing driver, receiving and accepting the praise of other drivers around you… that is, until you crash.

I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. I have over 12 years of experience, education and training in working with people on their behavioral and emotional health needs. I have specialized training in trauma, experiential group processes, self-esteem and healing. My belief is that working with an individual is a whole-istic process, including the mind, body and soul. Therefore, I believe in incorporating movement, fitness, nutrition, food and many other modalities into treatment. However, I am not the driver of those lanes. I refer-out, I refer-in… I make sure to surround my clients with the best people available to meet their needs. I do not veer off course and drive outside of my lane.

How To Ensure Your Support System Is Respecting Their Lane

When you are seeking support, do some research into the qualifications of the person you are thinking of working with – what is their education, experience and background? Do they have the necessary qualifications to be coaching, teaching a workshop, etc? Make sure you seek advice and support from those who are living their lives in integrity, even when “off stage”. And be wary of those who are driving out of their lane, for that is reckless driving. Connect yourself with someone who is qualified and will get you SAFELY to your destination of peace, health, happiness and living the life you were meant to live.


If you’re struggling with trauma and looking for trauma therapy, please contact us.

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